Metabolic Disease
Metabolic diseases encompass a complex array of multifactorial disorders which may share a common origin, metabolic targets or mechanisms of action.Associated conditions include hyperuricemia, fatty liver (especially in concurrent obesity) progressing to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome (in women), erectile dysfunction (in men), and acanthosis nigricans. The prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases represent a major public health issue for which there is no real solution to halt associated complications and comorbidities. For example, the existing treatments for type 2 diabetes do not reduce the risk of vascular accident.Metabolic diseases are usually defined as inborn errors of metabolism, encompassing deficiencies in enzymes involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids derived from proteins, and fatty acids liberated from lipids. The enzyme deficiencies are attributable to inherited mutations in the genes coding for the respective enzymes.